You can also buy games using Venmo.Gaming 

Xbox Dashboard Update Enhances Accessibility to Games

Microsoft is continuing to improve the interface on Xbox consoles, with the introduction of an updated home screen for Xbox Series/X and One users. This update aims to make games more easily accessible and provides users with greater customization options. A quick access menu has been added, allowing users to quickly navigate to their collection, Game Pass, the Microsoft Store, and commonly used functions such as search and settings. Additionally, users can now pin their favorite games and groups, and curated lists of games are available to aid in discovering new titles. The update is expected to be available to all users in the coming weeks.

At the same time, the simpler layout creates more space for your custom background. An option can change the background to match the game you select from the list of recently played games, somewhat like the PlayStation carousel. An updated community bar helps show what friends are up to, while media spotlights and lists help you find new content to see or hear.

Games are also easier to buy. Meanwhile, PayPal has revealed that “soon” you’ll be able to use Venmo to buy games, apps and subscriptions from the Microsoft Store on Xbox in the US. Of course, this helps you use up your extra Venmo funds, but it also gives you a way to split payments if you can’t justify an upfront purchase.

The reevaluation comes eight months after Microsoft began publicly testing the new Xbox interface. The company has made frequent UI redesigns and customizations, especially in the Xbox One era. Sony, on the other hand, is relatively conservative and rarely makes major changes to the PlayStation user interface in the middle of a console cycle. Microsoft’s iteration may be frustrating if you’re hoping for a consistent experience, but it suggests the company is responding to player feedback and hoping to differentiate itself in the market.

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